Children may not be brought to our Preschool if any of the following conditions exist or have existed in the previous 24 hours:
- Temperature of 100 degrees or higher (must be fever free without fever reducer for 24 hrs. before returning to school.)
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Pink eye
- Head Lice
- Rash-If your child has a rash, skin lesions, skin irritation or redness, the office must receive a doctor’s note before the child may return to the classroom. This note must state the diagnosis, that it is not contagious and that your child can safely return to school.
If a teacher suspects that a child has any symptoms of an infectious/contagious disease they may conduct a health check (ex. checking under clothes for a rash, checking hair for lice, checking for breathing difficulties or discharge from the nose or eyes, etc). If a child shows any of these symptoms while at school, they will be isolated from the rest of the class and parents will be called to come get the child.
If your child sees a physician for any reason a note is required from your child’s doctor on the day they return to school. This note must state:
- when your child can safely return to school
- any restrictions/limitations your child has from school activities
- when your child can resume normal school activities (including playing on the playground/gym).
All medication should be given before or after school. If a child requires medication during school hours the parent must sign and date a Medication Authorization Form giving NSCP permission to administer the medication. Medication will only be given in the dosage prescribed on the bottle unless authorization is given by a physician. Medications must be in the original container and labeled with the child’s full name and date the medication was brought to NSCP. All medications must be kept in the NSCP office.
In the event of a life threatening medical emergency, 911 will immediately be called, then the parents will be called. In a non life threatening emergency, every effort will be made to contact parents before emergency medical attention is sought.
Per state requirements: Children four years of age or older (as of September 1) must be screened for possible vision and hearing problems by December 31.
For a printable copy of our complete Parent Handbook including policies and procedures, click here.